Making joint efforts to achieve the sound development of the petrochemical industry
- Making proposals to the government to remove difficulties in the industry
- Activities targeting the government to improve institutions regarding the petrochemical industry
- Exploring ways to develop the petrochemical industry and strengthen competitiveness
- Strengthening cooperation and coordinating interests among industries including raw materials and logistics
- Strengthening public relations activity to improve the image of the petrochemical industry
Providing the latest domestic and overseas information promptly
- Information on market trends of the petrochemical industry
- Information on petrochemical policy
- Information on the development direction of the petrochemical industry
- Information related to statistics on petrochemistry
- Information on logistics of petrochemistry
- Experts’ reports and analysis
Establishing the platform for social networking and information exchange among members
- Holding regular morning meeting among CEOs of member companies (monthly)
- Holding a New Year’s greeting for the petrochemical industry
- Holding area-specific committee or consultative bodies
- Holding a seminar by inviting experts
Responding to trade conflicts and supporting for international cooperation
- Responding to FTAs, which took effect already or are in negotiation
- Supporting response to import regulation (anti-dumping, safeguard)
- Holding and participating in the Asia Petrochemical Industry Conference
- Holding and participating in the Korea-China Petrochemical Conference
- Improving other national competitiveness
(Holding seminar on international trade, response to quota and support for the selection of the world’s best products, etc.)
Strengthening response to domestic and overseas environmental and safety regulations
- Responding to the establishment of the post-2020 national long-term greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal
- Forming “consortium for joint registration of the petrochemical industry) and running a secretariat to implement Act on the Registration and Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances
- Responding to acts related to climate change and environmental regulations
- Establishing and vitalizing network including task force team related to environmental and safety regulations
Providing various kinds of publications issued by the association and use of website
- Petrochemistry (monthly)
- Petrochemistry handbook (annual)
- Petrochemical Industry in Korea (brochure in English, annual)
- List of CEOs of member companies (annual)
- Report on research and investigation including special report (frequently)